
Legend of Zelda: The Eclipse War: Chapter 13

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Chapter 13: Water Temple
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As the King of Golden Wolves enters the temple and stops, everyone on the train steps out into the room, seeing that glistening blue tiles were all over the place.

"Wow, this place looks a lot nicer than the other two temples." Link says,

"That's because since this temple's been submerged for so long, dirt and all other dirty things couldn't get in here to mess it up." Thalassa says,

As the train entered the Fire Temple and stopped at the end of the track, the wolves left the train and looked around at the area.

"So, what's the next legendary weapon?" Midna asks,

"The Tsunami Pump." The King says,

"OK." Midna says as she, Link, Zelda, Basque, Thalassa, and the fairies enter another room in the temple.

"At least this one isn't full of lava like the last one." Link says, my paw still feels kinda sore from that one time.

"Well, at least there'll be only water most of the time." Thalassa says,

"Look at that." Zelda says, looking at a huge water wheel.

"Judging by the design, that waterwheel keeps the way to the shrine room locked." Thalassa says,

"So we won't need a key this time?" Midna asks,

"Actually, you will." Thalassa says, "The waterwheel is merely an obstacle."

"And a heavy one at that." Basque says, "I don't think any of us could move it alone."

"We can't." Thalassa says, "But we can use the water to our advantage in here."

"Not to mention I've practiced swimming earlier, so I shouldn't have much of a problem even though there's water everywhere." Zelda says,

"That's good to know." Thalassa says, jumping into the water.

"Which way do we go first?" Link asks, noticing two doors on the ends of the room.

"The one of the left is barred." Zelda says, "The right door is our only option."

"And look." Thalassa says, pointing to a red cylinder-shaped tank with a pipe going through the wall. "That pipe is leading into that room."

"And that pipe must be used for water." Basque says,

"And how will filling that thing help us?" Midna asks,

"It'll send water up a second pipe that'll drop water on the wheel." Thalassa says, "It'll get the wheel to move and open the first lock."

"Good thinking." Link says, "And if we follow the pipe there, it'll lead us to the room where we can use it."

"Let's get going." Thalassa says, swimming to the other end of the room.

Everyone heads through the door and finds themselves in another room.

"A dead end?" Link says, noticing the layout of the room.

"It just looks like that." Thalassa says, "But there are underwater tunnels that can lead us to the room where the pipe leads."

"And how are we supposed to breathe down there?" Midna asks,

"I thought you'd ask that." Thalassa says, wrapping her Tail around Midna's neck.

"Oh no." Tatl says, clinging onto Midna's fur

Suddenly, Thalassa jumps into the water with Midna, a minute later, Thalassa returns.

"Midna's already on the other side." Thalassa says, "Who's next?"

"Count me in!" Basque says, jumping into the water as Thorn grabs onto him.

Thalassa wastes no time grabbing Basque and heading into the underwater tunnels, then Thalassa returns again.

"Your turn." Thalassa says,

"Is there a chance you can carry two passengers?" Zelda asks,

"Just climb onto my back." Thalassa says,

Zelda does as told and climbs on as Thalassa wraps her tail around Link. Then Navi and Tael grab onto Zelda.

"And away we go!" Thalassa says, diving underwater.

As they're pulled through, Link and Zelda see all the different details of the underwater tunnels until they reach the area Midna and Basque were waiting at.

"About time." Midna says jokingly,

"Well, we weren't born with lungs." Link says,

"Either way, look what we found." Midna says, showing Link a big dark key.

"That's the same key we used in the last two temples." Link says,

"And the chest is right there." Basque says, pointing to the object he mentioned.

"How convenient." Zelda says,

The group soon entered the next room and found it had a deep pit and a spiral ramp leading into it.

"The pipe's leading into the ground." Basque says,

"And it comes out here." Zelda says, walking over to the pit with the pipe sticking out of it.

"Great, how're we supposed to get water in there?" Midna asks,

"There must be source at the top." Link says, looking at a ramp that spiraled to the top of the room.

"Good idea." Zelda says,

The group reaches the top of the ramp and finds a locked gate of some type.

"This is probably where the water comes from." Thalassa says,

"But how do we open it?" Basque asks,

"Maybe there's a way up here." Link says, climbing a ladder. "There was a way to open something like this back in our land in the Lakebed Temple."

Link looks around and finds a floor switch.

"I think I found it!" Link says,

No sooner does Link step on the switch that the gate opens, letting a wave of water come through the opening.

"WHOA!" Basque yells as he and the others start running, grabbing Link with his hand-tail in the process.

However, the wave manages to pick up the group and takes them all the way to the bottom of the room using the spiral ramp and the pit fills with water.

"That was easy." Thalassa says,

"But we almost got hurt, thanks to Link." Midna says,

"Well, excuse me, Princess!" Link says, "I didn't know that would happen. It didn't do that back in the Lakebed Temple, you were there when it happened."

"Will you two stop fighting?" Zelda asks, "At least we got all the water we need."

Link suddenly notices something, "Zelda, your tiara is-"

"I lost it again, didn't I?" Zelda asks,

"I don't have it this time." Link says,

"Then who does?" Zelda asks,

"Neither of us." Midna says,

"Then it must be-" Zelda looks down to see her tiara had sank to the bottom of the pit. "Darn."

"I'll get it." Thalassa says, diving into the water and grabbing the tiara. "Here you go."

"Thanks." Zelda says as Thalassa places the tiara back on Zelda's head,

"The water is high enough and it's going through the pipe." Basque says, "It should be back in the main room now."

"OK." Link says, then the group returns to the main room.

"The water's entering the tank, but it's not coming out of the other pipe." Thalassa says,

"How are we supposed to get it to work that way, then?" Midna asks,

"There should be another switch." Thalassa says,

"Like the crystal one up there?" Zelda asks, pointing the switch in an alcove above the tank.

"Yes." Thalassa says,

"It's out of reach, but I think the clawshots can reach it." Link says, using the item on the switch.

The clawshot reaches the switch and activates it, then water comes out of the ceiling pipe and gets the water wheel to move, but slowly.

"We got it!" Midna says, seeing the gate open.

"But there's another gate back there." Basque says,

"Darn it!" Midna says,

"There must be another pump that can get the other tank to work." Thalassa says, pointing to a tank identical to the first, but yellow instead of red. "Luckily the door isn't barred on the other end of the room."

"The water must've moved it." Zelda says,

"Then let's get going." Link says,

As the group enters the next room, Link notices something unusual about it.

"Doesn't this look like an arena?" Link asks,

"Yes, it does." Zelda says,

"We better be careful when we come back through here." Link says,

"Yes." Zelda says,

The group heads into the next room and find it identical to the last pit room, but find the pit is already filled up.

"The pit's filled, but no water is going through the pipe." Midna says,

"There must be something keeping the pipe from working." Basque says, leaning on a pole sticking out of the wall.

Suddenly, the pole moves under Basque's weight and he falls to the ground as the pipe begins to suck up the water.

"How lucky." Basque says, now noticing the lever.

The wolves head into the next room where they find the door barred.

"It IS an arena." Link says, pulling out the Master Sword.

"But where's the monster?" Basque asks, pulling out his own sword.

Suddenly, a piece of coral lands in the 6-inch deep water next to the wolves.

"Above us?" Link answers,

Everyone looks up to see a giant crab well-disguised with the ceiling.

"It's Hydrocrab!" Navi yells, "Get to a wall!"

Everyone bolts in a different direction as the crab hits the ground. Then the crab hits the nearby water pipe, causing it to come loose and pour large amounts of water into the room.

"This place is filling up!" Midna says,

"Link, the boat!" Zelda says,

Link wastes no time getting their new boat out of his adventure pouch, which magically returns to normal size as it lands in the water. Then he and Zelda quickly climb into it as the water becomes too deep for them to stand on the floor.

"Climb on!" Link says, rowing the boat to Midna and Basque.

The two twili-turned wolves get into the boat as fast as they can. Then Link rows the boat away as the crab tries to slam them with its claw. As the crab tries to pull its claw out of the ground, Thalassa finds its weak spot.

"Go for the eye!" Thalassa says, swimming quickly around the room. "That's the weak spot!"

As Link pulls out his sword and aims it into the air, it starts to glow.

"Link, the Master Sword!" Midna says,

"It's an Sword Beam!" Zelda says, "Swing the sword at the crab!"

Link does so and the energy flies from the sword and right into the crab's eye, causing it to roar in agony.

"That was the Sword Beam?" Link asks, impressed by what happened.

"Yes, when Hydrocrab's claws get stuck, go for the eye." Zelda says,

After a minute, the crab's claw gets stuck again and Link performs the Sword Beam again. Then the same thing a third time and the crab roared in agony on last time before dying.

"We got it!" Link says,

Suddenly, a chest appears in the bottom of the water.

"Look!" Zelda says, "Another chest!"

"But we can't reach it!" Basque says,

"Not unless you use that hand trick." Link says,

"Thanks for the reminder." Midna says, then she transforms her tail into a magical arm and opens the chest, pulling out a blue pump-like object.

"The Tsunami Pump!" Zelda says, taking the weapon.

"I heard about it." Thalassa says, "But I thought it was just a legend."

Suddenly, the pipe shifts back into place and the door to the main room opens and all the water flows out.

"Hold on!" Link says, holding onto the front of the boat.

The boat and Thalassa wash out of the room and land on the floor of the main room.

"Nice to know I'm back on dry land again." Thalassa says a bit disappointedly,

"Let's hope you'll be in water as soon as well enter the shrine." Link says as he puts the boat back in his adventure pouch.

"The water's already flowing into the tank." Zelda says, "We just have to open it now."

"Got it." Link says, shooting one of the clawshots into the crystal switch above the yellow tank.

The water flows out of the pipe in the ceiling, hitting the waterwheel on the opposite side of the red pipe, causing the wheel to stop.

"That isn't working." Midna says, "We'll have to turn off the red pipe."

Link does so and hits the crystal switch. But the gate closes as the waterwheel rotates in the opposite direction.

"Switch it back, switch it back!" Midna says,

Link quickly reactivates the switch and turns off the yellow pump, causing the first gate to open. As the gate opened, Basque noticed a gear with an opened lock attached to the gate.

"Hey, look!" Basque says, "This gear must be connected to the gate!"

Basque puts the gear's lock in place.

"Try it again!" Basque says,

Link switches the functions of the pipes, causing the yellow pump to pour onto the waterwheel, making the second gate open without the first one closing.

"We're through!" Midna says, running to the next room with the others.

In the next room, the wolves found a huge door with a big lock identical to the boss locks in the other temples.

"This is it." Midna says, using the key to open the door.

The wolves and seahorse enter the room and notice how dark it is.

"I can't see." Zelda says,

"Neither can I." Link says,

Soon enough, the room lights up and the wolves find themselves in from of a huge circle shaped pool on and they were on a donut-shaped piece of land surrounding the pool.

"Judging by the size of this room, it'll be one heck of a battle." Link says,

Suddenly, a huge dinosaur-like monster comes out of the water with tentacles on either side of its head.

"That's called Cephlaculu: Twilit Sea Monster." Navi says, "It can shoot large amounts of water from its tentacles and can use them as whips."

"Thanks for the advice." Link says, pulling out the Master Sword. "Anything else?"

"Don't get eaten." Navi says,

"I figured that." Link says,

"Now where's the crystal?" Basque asks, all the monsters we encountered had one on them.

"Look, on the chest!" Zelda says, pointing to a black crystal with a blue core on Cephlaculu's chest.

"That looks a little tricky." Link says,

"Don't worry!" Navi says, "You should be able to move faster than that creature!"

"Thanks for the help." Link says,

Suddenly, Cephlaculu swings one of its tentacles at the group.

"LOOK OUT!" Thalassa yells,

Everyone jumps into the water for cover, barely dodging the tentacle.

"Whoa." Basque says as he climbs onto the land. "How do we fight it? It's even bigger than Flarina!"

"Go to different areas of the arena!" Thorn says, "It can't focus on all of you!"

Basque does as told and runs to a different part of the land-donut and the others do the same, slightly confusing Cephlaculu.

"Now what?" Midna asks,

"Look for a weak spot!" Tatl says,

The monster lunges for Link in an attempt to eat him, but Link quickly dodges and the monster hits its head on the wall, dazing it.

"Or, maybe that." Tatl says,

Cephlaculu falls over and floats on its back in the water.

"It's open for attack!" Tael says, "Use the Pump!"

Zelda acts quickly to use the pump on the crystal, but the powerful burst of water that nearly sends her flying into the wall as it hits the crystal dead on. Then the sea monster roars in pain and rolls over, ready to attack again.

"Look out!" Navi yells,

Link looks too late to see Cephlaculu shooting a powerful burst of water at him. Link was hit by the blast and sent flying into the wall, knocking him unconscious.

"LINK!" Zelda yells,

"I got him!" Thalassa says, moving on the land at surprising speed and grabs Link as Cephlaculu hits the ground where Link was lying.

"Hey, big guy!" Midna yells, "Come and get me!"

Cephlaculu attempts to eat Midna, but she quickly jumps for cover as the monster knocks itself into a daze from hitting the wall and falling onto its back again.

"I got it!" Zelda says, shooting water from the pump into the gem, removing more of the curse from it.

Cephlaculu quickly recovers and resumes the fight. This time, going for Basque.

"Missed me!" Basque says as he easily dodges the sea monster's water attack.

After a couple more misses, Cephlaculu finally gets mad and attempts to eat Basque. But the twili-turned-wolf quickly moves out of the way as the sea monster once again knocks itself into a daze.

"My turn again!" Zelda says, shooting water from the pump.

The water removed the last of the cursed power from the crystal and Cephlaculu roars in agony one last time, falling onto its side, dead. Then the sea monster blew up into twilit energy and a platform came out of the middle of the pool with a bridge leading to the land-donut and the blue crystal takes its resting place on the platform.

"There it is." Link says, having finally regained consciousness.

"Now we just have to play the song." Zelda says, pulling out the Ocarina of Time.

"At least we removed this temple's curse." Navi says as she sees the red crystal place itself in a platform as the dark magic in it disappears,

"I take it we have to play the song Lunar taught us to fix this part of the seal now, don't we?" Link asks,

"That would help." Zelda says,

Link begins to howl the song Lunar taught him, then Thalassa follows him with the Harp while Zelda plays the same song with the Ocarina of Time. After a moment, the crystal glows brightly and a blue light covers the tracks in the temple. Then the blue light goes across the tracks outside the temple and goes through Sapphire Bay Coast, Trennia Field, and into the Tower of Peace. Then the gray medallion above the train door glows and turns blue.

"We've restored another part of the seal." Navi says, "We better get back to Railtown to receive our next location."

"I'll remain here to continue to pray for you." Thalassa says,

"Thank you." Zelda says,

The group entered a portal in front of the crystal's platform and teleported to the room where the King of Golden Wolves was waiting.

"How'd it go?" the King asks,

"Better than the Fire Temple." Zelda says, showing the King the Tsunami Pump.

"Well done." The King says, "Now let's get going."

Everyone boards the train without hesitation and the King leaves the Water Temple.
Chapter 13 of my Zelda fanfic.

Looks like every thing went swimmingly in the Temple. :)
And of course, the boss was the difficult part. But now, the gang has gotten another Territory fixed. :D

Now, which territory will Link and the others go to next?
Stay tuned to find out in the next chapter! :D

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:pointl::bulletyellow: -- [link] -- | :bulletred: LEGEND OF ZELDA: THE ECLIPSE WAR :bulletred: | -- [link] -- :bulletyellow::pointr:
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The Legend of Zelda series belongs to Nintendo, this is just my idea for a sequal to the games. ;)
© 2012 - 2024 DarthGoldstar710
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